Connor Keenum
My Experiences as a Web Developer
Hello! I'm Connor Keenum, a passionate Web developer with a strong focus on frontend development and functional programming. I love building efficient, scalable, and user-friendly applications that solve real-world problems.
Main Projects
The main projects that I am working on at the moment.
Focus on what is important.
NutriSyncMaster your nutrition.
Tech Experience
These are the Technologies I am familiar with.
6 years experience
CSS6 years experience
Git5 years experience
Github5 years experience
Jest4 years experience
Next3 years experience
Storybook3 years experience
Figma3 years experience
Redux3 years experience
Firebase1 year experience
Fast-Check6 months experience
Postgres3 months experience
Github Actions1 month experience
Docker1 month experience
Nginx1 month experience
AWS1 month experience
Programming Language Experience
These are the programming languages that I know and like to use.
Very Fluent
Here, you can learn a little bit about me.
What can I do?
I excel in building responsive and dynamic user interfaces using technologies like React.js, Next.js, and modern JavaScript frameworks. My focus is on creating intuitive and accessible user experiences that are both visually appealing and functionally robust.
I have a deep appreciation for functional programming principles and apply them to write clean, maintainable, and bug-resistant code. My approach emphasizes immutability, pure functions, and composability, ensuring that my codebase remains flexible and easy to extend.
I prioritize writing robust and comprehensive tests to ensure code quality and reliability. From unit tests to end-to-end tests, I use a variety of tools and methodologies to catch bugs early and deliver stable software.
I am proficient in using Git for version control, enabling smooth collaboration in team environments. I follow best practices for branching, merging, and code reviews, ensuring that projects progress smoothly and efficiently
With a strategic mindset, I am adept at planning and executing software projects from start to finish. I use agile methodologies to keep projects on track, prioritize tasks, and ensure timely delivery.